
Double Your Webinar Attendance

Working with Karlene Hibbert is definitely a breath of fresh air. The gifted business owner of Onyx Marketing Mix shared her Webinar Optimization skills in a 40-minute consultation. She spoke from the heart as she worked with me. I found her extremely engaging and hands-on, which is ideal for helping people improve their businesses. Karlene truly desires to assist entrepreneurs in becoming more effective in making conversions using Messenger technology and email segmentation. She creates a 3-step system that will increase webinar enrollments.
This Webinar Funnel Strategist designs with coaches, consultants, and other service providers in mind. Karlene enjoys developing a strategy to maximize webinar attendance by producing an automatic multi-channel marketing system customized according to an individual’s personality. It was interesting to watch your masterpiece work its magic. This system is unique to specific entrepreneurs and their brands.
I have seen nothing like it. She mesmerized me as she shared this new technology. It was entertaining and educational, so I believe this is how the presentation captures a potential customer’s attention. I actually learned about a skill that I did not know. You should set up a free consultation with Karlene Hibbert especially if you’re a course creator. This will truly blow your mind while helping double your webinar’s enrollment rates. Sign for a consultation. bit.ly/chat-Marketing-Demo

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